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Museum of Energy Mechanical Surface A/V Performance santralistanbul 100th Anniversary
"The Silahtarağa Power Plant is the first power plant of İstanbul. Its engine rooms which were originally built in 1913 and 1921 were reinforced, restored and converted into the santralistanbul Energy Museum in 2007."
The 100-year old turbines had remained silent since the Silahtarağa Power Plant was shut down in 1983. In 2014, at the end of a 9-month project the plant's turbines were restarted in its new identity as an Energy Museum, and launched at the opening of the ICEM 2014.
A fictional performance was designed on the three turbines and performed as part of the opening event. For this performance, the engine room space was scanned in 3D and solid models were developed from the scanned data.
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